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Baby Doppler - Sonoline B
8oz Baby Bottles - Comotomo
Hiking shoes - Quechua - Pt. 13
Pink Knit Hoodie - Baby GAP - 18-24m
Interactive plush "Scout" - Leap Frog
Book: Thumper - Vintage
Book: Mes belles berceuses (+CD)
Book: The Potty Book For Girls
Book: 10 Little Chicks
Book: This Little Dreidel
Book: 10 Mighty Trucks
Book: Mes jolies ritournelles (+CD)
Book: L'imagerie Astro bébés - Bélier
Book: My first ABC
Water Sandals - Adidas - sz. 8
Navy Boat Shoes - Sperry - sz. 8
Encanto Long Sleeve Shirt - Handmade - 4 years
Red sandals - Keen - pt. 10
Mickey Mouse Shoes - H&M - sz. 8
Light pink muslin - Signature Maïa
Pink flower bib - Tiny Twinkle
Sage Raincoat - Tommy Bahama - 2 years
Insect Bucket Hat - Crocodile Creek - 3-4 years
Book: Ne touche jamais à un requin! - Petits Génies
Unicorn Slippers - Robeez - 6-12m
"The Beach" Slippers - Robeez - 0-6m
Newborn insert - Ergobaby
Pink Ice Skates - Vic - pt. 10-11
Book: Massage et Réflexologie pour bébés - Wendy Kavanagh
Book: Votre Grossesse - Dr Anne Deans
Book: Attendre un enfant - Dr Maggie Blott
Book: Preemies, Second Edition - Essential Guide For Parents of Premature Baby
Book: Bébé, L'étonnant voyage de 0 à 2 ans - Desmond Morris
Book: The Survival Guide for Rookie Moms - Erica Wells & Lorraine Regel
Book: What to Expect When You're Expecting - 4th Edition
Book: What to Expect When You're Expecting - 5th Edition
Book: The no-cry sleep solution - Elizabeth Pantley
Book: The Mother of All - Baby Books - Ann Douglas
Book: The Mother of All - Pregnancy Books - Ann Douglas
Book: Feeding Your Baby the Healthiest Foods - Louise Lambert-Lagacé
Book: The sleepeasy solution - Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack
Book: Sweet Sleep - La Leche League International
Book: Maman Caféine - Guide de survie pour maman moderne
Book: À chaque jour ses prodiges - Myla et Jon Kabat-Zinn
Book: Bébé fait ses nuits - Dr Cathryn Tobin
Book: L'éveil de votre enfant - Chantal de Truchis
Book: Mes petites routines - Mes premiers repas, avec plaisir et sans stress
Book: Mamaaaaan?! Quoi encore? - Mademoiselle Caroline