Mountain Buggy Nano - Travel Stroller with Rain and Sun Covers

150,00 $ Sale Save

The Mountain Buggy Nano travel stroller is the ideal ally for parents on the go. Compact, light and easy to maneuver, it simplifies all your travels with baby.

2018 edition

In very good condition - normal wear and tear

Main Features:

  • Ultra-Compact: Weighs only 5.9 kg and folds into a small size, perfect for plane and car travel.
  • Quick Fold: Folds in two simple steps and is easily transported thanks to its shoulder strap.
  • Universal Compatibility: Universal adapter for car seats, allowing a transition without waking baby.
  • Comfort and Safety: 5-point harness and reclining seat, ensuring comfort and safety.
  • Maneuverability: Swivel front wheels and rear suspension for a smooth ride.
  • Sun Protection: Extendable canopy with UV protection.
  • Convenient Storage: Spacious basket under the seat for all your essentials.

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